The World's Largest Animals
Animals are cute, fuzzy, intersting,
and everything in between, but what of the giants among them? These are
15 of the world's largest animals from nearly every genus that you may
or may not have heard of! Can you guess which is the largest of them all?
The African Bush Elephant
African Bush Elephant is the heaviest and largest land animal, with
males reaching a height of 3.5 meters. They also weigh on average about 6
tons (13,000 pounds). The females are much smaller and weigh about half
of the males' weight (3 tons). Due to their colossal size, the African
Bush Elephant usually does not have predators, although calves are
vulnerable to attacks by other predators, namely crocodiles and lions.
The Giraffe
tallest land animal in existence, standing at a height of 5-6 meters
(16-20 feet) and weighing in at about 1,600 kilograms (3,500 pounds) for
males and 830 kilograms (1,830 pounds) for females. The neck of the
giraffe alone reaches a length of over 2 meters (about 6.7 feet).
Giraffes inhabit most of Africa and live in savanna, grassland and
woodland areas. Despite their large size, giraffes are preyed upon by
lions, leopards and other predators.
The Southern Elephant Seal
name of this seal most likely gives away its title as the largest
carnivora, or meat-eating species. Males can weigh in between
2,200-4,000 kilograms (4,900 to 8,800 pounds) and are between 4.5 and
5.8 meters long (about 15-19 feet). Despite the large size of the males,
there is extreme sexual dimorphism, or difference in size, between
males and females. The female size is much smaller, and they usually
weigh between 400-900 kilograms (880 to 2,000 pounds) and they are 2.6-3
meters long (about 8.5-9.8 feet). The Southern elephant seals dive
repeatedly to hunt for their food, for about 20 minutes at a time, which
may explain why they need all that body mass to keep them warm under
The Polar and Kodiak Bears
the Southern Elephant Seal is the largest carnivore in the world, the
Polar Bear and Kodiak Bear are the largest land carnivores on the
planet. Both kinds of bears have similar body sizes and it is unclear
which bear is actually larger. They both reach a length about 3.05
meters (10 feet) and weigh in at 1,003 kilograms (2,210 pounds) and
1,135 kilograms (2,500 pounds) respectively. The major difference
between these two bears is the climate they live in, with the polar bear
living in arctic and frigid climates and the kodiak bear in forest or
tundra climates.
The Saltwater Crocodile
scary beast is the world's largest reptile and habituates areas of
Northern Australia, Southeast Asia and the eastern coast of India. The
adult male saltwater crocodile weighs in at about 409-1,000 kilograms
(900-2,200 pounds) and has a length of 4.1-5.5 meters (13-18 feet). Some
mature male crocodiles can even reach an astonishing length of 6 meters
(20 feet)! The saltwater crocodile is an exacting and opportunistic
predator that can take nearly any animal that enters its territory.
The Chinese Giant Salamander
this creature looks like something out of a horror movie, the Chinese
Giant Salamander is the world's largest amphibian that is also,
unfortunately, a critically endangered species. Chinese giant
salamanders can reach a length of 180 centimeters (about 6 feet) and
live in rocky mountain streams in certain areas of China and Taiwan. The
species is nearly extinct today due to habitat loss, pollution and its
role as a delicacy and use in folk medicine. Hopefully, this giant
species will soon be protected so future generations will also be able
to stare in wonder that this beautiful giant salamander. |
The Flemish Giant
you thought that all bunnies were cute, fluffy and little then you were
wrong! The Flemish Giant is a Belgian species of rabbit that is
officially the largest rabbit or hare in the world. These furry giants
can weigh up to 12.7 kg (28 pounds), and, as evident in the photograph
below, can reach the size of a full grown Collie dog! This rabbit is
also domesticated and is a popular pet, as well as a show animal.
The Giant Golden Crown Flying Fox
largest bat in the world, the giant golden crown flying fox (that's a
mouthful) can reach a maximum size of 1.5 kilograms (3.3 pounds) in
weight, 55 centimeters (22 inches) in length, and a wingspan of about
1.8 meters (5.9 feet). These huge bats are gravely endangered and almost
extinct and live in rainforests of the Philippines. And don't worry
about these megabats attacking you because they are herbivores and
consist on a diet of fruit and leaves.
The Capybara
largest rodent in the world, the capybara hails from South America and
inhabits savanna and forest environments near water sources. Full-grown
capybaras can reach a length of 1.5 meters (4.9 feet), a height of 0.9 m
(3 feet) and a weight of 105.4 kilograms (232 pounds). This furry and
friendly rodent lives in groups as large as 100 individuals, and
unfortunately is hunted for its meat and hides. One thing is for
certain, these big guys couldn't be cuter!
The Ocean Sunfish
world's heaviest bony fish, the average Sunfish can weigh in at 1,000
kilograms (2,200 pounds) and a length of 1.8 meters (5.9 feet)! These
stunning fish are native to tropical and temperate waters, feeding off
of jellyfish and other large prey. Female sunfish produce more eggs than
any other vertebrate, or species with a spinal cord.
The Green Anaconda
largest living reptile, the Green Anaconda lives in neotropical
riverways in South America, usually in the Amazon. They can reach a size
of 7.5 meters (25 feet) in length and 250 kilograms (550 pounds) in
weight), although there are rumors of even larger anacondas. The Green
Anaconda is rivaled in its reptile weight only by the Komodo dragon
native to the island of Komodo, Indonesia.
The Dalmatian Pelican
the heaviest flying bird in the world, the Dalmatian Pelican is over
160-180 centimeters (63-70 inches) in length, weighs between 11-15
kilograms (25 pounds)k, and can still fly impressive distances! The bird
breeds in areas of southeastern Europe to India and even in China in
swamps and shallow lakes.
The Japanese Spider Crab
crab is spectacular! It is the largest arthropod, or invertebrate
animal, in the world with legs measuring up to 3.8 meters (12 feet) in
length! But if that wasn't enough, these crabs are heavy too and weight
about 19 kilograms (41 pounds). The crabs inhabit the waters of Japan
and feeds on shellfish and animal carcasses. Some of these species can
even live for up to 100 years! |
The Ostrich
is one of the more commonly-known species on the list, but don't
underestimate the size and might of the ostrich! These birds, however
cannot fly, which may be due to their large and hefty size. The birds
can reach a height of 2.8 meters (9.2 feet) and can weigh over 156
kilograms (345 pounds), however they are some of the planets fastest
runners, reaching ground speeds of 70 km/h (or 43m/h). They also lay the
world's largest eggs. As you can tell, these magnificent birds hold a
number of superlative titles.
The Blue Whale - The World's Largest Animal
Blue Whale is officially our planet's largest animal, with a length of
30 meters (98 feet) and a weight of 170 tonnes (or 190 tons). The tongue
of the Blue Whale alone weighs around 2.7 metric tons (5,952 pounds),
about the size of an average Asian Elephant. Its heart can weigh up to
600 kilograms (1,300 pounds), the largest known heart in any animal,
about the size of a Mini-Cooper. Despite its gigantic size, the Blue
Whale feeds on small to miniscule creatures called krill, consuming
about 3.6 metric tons (7,900 pounds) of them a day! This giant marine
mammal is truly extraordinary! |
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