mercredi 24 septembre 2014

The French Festival of Citrus Fruit, 2014

The French Festival of Citrus Fruit, 2014

La Fete du Citron, or the Citrus fruit Festival, is a unique and colorful event taking place at Menton in the French Riviera. It attracts more than a quarter million visitors annualy, drawn to this 'fruity' celebration that is includes amazing parades of floats made of oranges and lemons that create fantastic sculptures and patterns. This colorful celebration is followed by a wonderful firework display. The festival is usually held during March of each year.
The festival floats carry up to 140 tons of oranges and lemons, and for three weeks, the streets are taken over by 10 meter (33 feet) tall statues and structures made from - you guessed it - lemons and oranges only. 
Getting the floats ready
lemon festival
lemon festival
lemon festival
lemon festival
lemon festival
lemon festival
lemon festival
See the amazing floats in video!

lemon festival
lemon festival
lemon festival
lemon festival
lemon festival
lemon festival
lemon festival
lemon festival
lemon festival
lemon festival
lemon festival

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