vendredi 12 septembre 2014

Karla Mialynne Show Her True Colors...

Karla Mialynne Show Her True Colors...

As a very talented painter, Karla Mialynne often gets asked how she creates the her paintings, and what she uses to bring them to life. And so, in order to shed a bit more light on the subject, she now takes photos of her works with the tools she used to create them. As you see, her main tools are watercolor pencils, colored markers and acrylic paint, all combined to give her paintings vivid colors and incredible realism and beauty.  
artist shows her tools
artist shows her tools
artist shows her tools
artist shows her tools
artist shows her tools
artist shows her tools
artist shows her tools
artist shows her tools
artist shows her tools
artist shows her tools
artist shows her tools
artist shows her tools
artist shows her tools
artist shows her tools
artist shows her tools

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