vendredi 12 septembre 2014

Great Moments Humans Share...

Great Moments Humans Share...

The human experience is an incredibly complex one, full of an endless series of moments, emotions, thoughts and connections. In all of these, there is good and bad, sweet and sour, ups and downs. We all know the downs, but what are some of the best moments about being alive? Well, here are some:
Doing unexpected things, in unexpected places and with unexpected friends.
sweet moments in photos
Leaning on your best friend and knowing they enjoy it.
sweet moments in photos
Discovering someone loves you as much as you love them.
sweet moments in photos
Being surprised by a secret you already knew
sweet moments in photos
To try your best and knowing that the rest in the end will be worth it.
sweet moments in photos
Giving thanks to those who keep us safe.
sweet moments in photos
Communicating even with those we feel we have nothing in common with.
sweet moments in photos
Knowing how to let someone else lead sometimes.
sweet moments in photos
Counting on someone else with your eyes closed.
sweet moments in photos
Knowing someone will be there for you, no matter how bad things are.
sweet moments in photos
To give and to get a warm embrace from those we love.
sweet moments in photos
Knowing that two people isn't a little, it's a whole world.
sweet moments in photos
To make long term plans, but not to forget what's behind us.
sweet moments in photos
Understanding that even the strongest need help sometimes.
sweet moments in photos
To appreciate the simple things others see as useless.
sweet moments in photos
To take pride in our greatest creations.
sweet moments in photos
Getting excited by a small discovery.
sweet moments in photos
Carrying the weight of others, even if it isn't much.
sweet moments in photos
Laughing out loud!
sweet moments in photos
Enjoying without worrying about repercussions.
sweet moments in photos
Sharing the beauty in our lives with others.
sweet moments in photos
Not letting differences keep us from loving.
sweet moments in photos
Knowing how to find comfort in the arms of a friend.
sweet moments in photos

AND... Sharing good things with others!
sweet moments in photos

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