The Root Vegetables You Should Be Eating!
Growing in the ground, root
vegetables seem to absorb a great amount of the nutrients mother earth
has to offer, which is why people who want to be healthier are strongly
recommended to make them a fixed addition to the menu.
You'd be well advised to start with these eight: |
One of the most veried root
vegetables, with over 200 types, is the yam, with colors ranging from
yellow to purple. All the types of yams share high levels of vitamin B6
and potassium. There are evidence to suggest that the essence of the yam
contains a chemical that serves as a substitute to the female hormone
and eases the symptoms of menopause.
Although it was never proven scientifically, the Chinese have been using yams to keep up their health for hundreds of years.
Ginger is the root of a plant that
Chinese medicine has been using for 2000 years. Ginger offers extensive
health advantages, including help with digestion, treating osteoperosis,
alleviating nausea, helping heart conditions and treating colds and
headaches. All this makes it a kind of natural super food.
Beets, in their royal purple, are
loaded with goodies, and are a great source of energy for the body. They
are high in sodium, magnesium, calcium, iron and phosperous. They are
also a fiber food and are high vitamin A, vitamin C and niacin - they
are amazing, especially considering they are quite cheap. Just put them
in the fridge for a few hours and you've got a very healthy snack.
The ancient Greeks made much use of
Radish in their healing. The radish is high on vitamin C and is very
good at lowering your bad cholesterol. It will also help your urinary
system and will increase the supply of oxygen to your bloodstream.
The vegetable with the anise-like
taste is a regular component in mouth higene products, like toothpaste,
breath fresheners and anti-acids. The reason is that the oils in the
fennel have great health benefits.
In addition, the fennel serves as a
natural medicine for anemia as it is very rich in iron. Digestion and
respiratory problems are a few more things the fennel can help you with.
For all these reasons - we highly recommend it makes its way into your
Research in Holland has lately shown
that orange and yellow vegetables were the most efficient in guarding
the consumer against cardiovascular disease (CVD). Of that category, it
was the carrot that were the most prominent, the most effective.
If that's not reason enough to say
'what's up doc?' and start munching on one, then they are also loaded
with antioxidants and do wonders for our eyes, because of the
beta-croten which our bodies convert to vitamin A.
Research has also found that eating carrots may help the health of your lungs. |
Whenever you are eating an onion, try
to peel as little of it as possible, because that's exactly where its
flavonoids, that contain great anti inflammatory benefits, reside at
their highest concentration.
In addition, it was found that eating onions increases bone density, which is especially important for the adult and mature ages. Eating onions will help your body protect you from infections and will reduce your risk for mouth and tracea cancers. |
A bouquette of garlic can be a bit
smelly, but it a great gift, that will leave you with an incredible
amount of health benefits. Whole books have been written about the
health benefits of garlic, and how its great for the heart, is an
excellent anti-viral, helps prevent cancer and aids the metabolism. It
is also a great defender from diseases that are caused by over oxidation
in the body.
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