mardi 4 novembre 2014

10 Healthier Eating Substitutions

10 Healthier Eating Substitutions 


People are a lot more educated to foods today than several generations ago. As a result, we're able to make much smarter and healthier eating decisions. There are still instances when you might hear a rumble in your stomach and may think of eating something bad. You can put down that salty bag of chips and replace it with a handful of almonds instead. Sound appetizing? Here is a full list of 10 Delicious Alternatives to a Healthier Lifestyle 
fresh fruits
1) Eat Healthier Snacks instead of Junk Food - It seems as if junk food is everywhere we look. The supermarket shelves are stocked full of candies, potato chips, cakes, donuts and assorted baked goods. The grease, oil, refined sugar and saturated fats found in these foods are the major contributors of many unnecessary health problems.    
You can still enjoy a quick snack and get the essential nutrition by replacing junk food with healthier alternatives. Fresh fruits, such as apples and oranges, make for excellent substitutes to candy bars. A handful of almonds replaces a bag of potato chips, baked potatoes replace French fries and skim or low fat milk replaces whole milk. You can also choose low fat frozen yogurt topped with fresh fruit over ice cream. Snacking can still be fun after all.    

2) Dried Herbs and Spices Instead of Salty Foods - A High daily intake of sodium can result in certain heart problems over time. Rather than adding salt to your meals, consider the healthier alternative of cinnamon, turmeric, cayenne, clove, garlic, ginger, sage, parsley and basil. Not only will you be adding delicious flavors to your favorite dishes, you'll also be limiting any risk of heart diseases in the future. Go ahead and spice things up! 
3) Choose Whole Grains Over Refined Ones - Refined grains are consumeddaily with nearly every meal. They are commonly found in white rice, white flour, white sugar and white breads. Cereals also contain large amounts of refined grains and tons of sugar. 

The healthier solution here would be to replace the refined grains with whole grains. Substitute brown rice for white rice, whole grain bread over traditional white bread, and healthier bran cereals over the sugary variety of cereals. Oatmeal is an ideal replacement for refined cereal. Try cooking with quinoa and barley as well. 
whole grain

4) Eat More Cold-Water Fish and Less Red Meat - We all love our steaks and beef, but they also contain a high amount of saturated fats. Consuming a regular diet of red meat on a daily basis may increase the risk of hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, obesity and strokes. 

Cold-water fish, such as tuna, swordfish, whitefish, mackrel, salmon, anchovies, and trout all contain Omega-3 fatty acids, which are the essential fats the body needs. Omega-3 helps combat depression, boosts memory production and greatly reduces the risk of Alzheimer's Disease. Fish can also be frozen for long periods of time, so it never goes to waste.     

5) Add Avocados to Your Diet Instead of Mayonnaise - Mayonnaise is most commonly used while preparing sandwiches and in dips. Mayonnaise gives that dry turkey sandwich a bit of extra taste. Mayonnaise is also loaded with plenty of trans and saturated fats, which are very unhealthy for you. 

Avocados are the healthy alternatives to mayonnaise. They contain over 25 essential nutrients which are all vital health components. These specific nutrients protect against cancer, prevent heart diseases and prevent bone diseases from occurring. Avocados are also the main ingredients used for making guacamole, which perfectly complements whole wheat tortilla chips.  

6) Eliminate Butter with Extra Virgin Olive Oil - You can't hear a frying pan sizzle without the sweet sound of butter being applied to it. Some of the most popular dishes are cooked exclusively with butter. Butter is delicious but extremely unhealthy. Butter significantly increases high cholesterol levels, diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure and heart diseases. 

Use extra virgin olive oil instead of butter to give your meals a solid dose of essential Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids. Olive oil can be substituted for butter when baking or cooking. 

7) Go Organic! - What exactly does organic mean? Simply put organic means natural. Organic farming relies on the useage of natural fertilizers and pesticides, which do not contain harmful toxins. 

Non-organic foods are generally exposed to harmful pesticides and other dangerous chemicals. So, the next time you're outside fruit and vegetable shopping, consider visiting your local farmer's market instead. 

8) Drink Water Instead of Sugary Beverages - Soda contains high amounts of refined sugar with absolutely no nutritional values whatsoever. Sugar found in sodas and other sweetened drinks lead to fatigue, cause dental problems, trigger depression and can eventually lead to diabetes. 

Avoid sugary beverages and drink water as often as possible. Water flushes out all the toxins in the body and helps to promote regular digestion. Filtered water is even better because it removes all chemicals found from the tap. Make sure you carry a bottle of water wherever you go. 

9) Make the Switch from Regular Breakfast Cereals to Oats - Walk down any cereal aisle in the supermarket and you'll be bombarded with a tremendous selection of unhealthy cereals that are loaded with refined sugars. 

Cooked oats make for the best substitute for a healthy morning breakfast. You can add a pinch of cinnamon, brown sugar, chopped nuts or fresh fruit to give it a little extra flavoring. A healthy bowl of oatmeal can drastically reduce heart diseases, stabilize blood sugar, and lower cholesterol. 

10) Drink Green Tea Instead of Coffee - Most people prefer to start their day with a cup of coffee. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee can be very difficult to resist. Coffee also carries a list of health problems that include; acid reflux, intestinal problems, heartburn, anxiety, nausea and can induce unwanted stress. 

Green tea is the healthier hot beverage alternative from coffee and provides a quick caffeine boost as well. Green tea is a staple in Asian culture and served with nearly every meal. Green tea also contains powerful antioxidants which fight off diseases and lower the risk of cancer. There must be something special in that green tea!  

A few minor changes to yourt dietary intake can make a tremendous impact to your health and well-being, and that is certainly some food for thought!  

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