jeudi 11 avril 2013

12 Awesome Ways to Reuse Old Stuff


CD spindle earring stand

CD spindle earring stand
(Idea by sabbott of This is a very simple project to take the leftover stuff from a stack of blank CDs and make a stand to hold earrings.

For detailed instructions, click here

(Link | Photo)

Tennis racket mirror

Tennis racket mirror
Vintage tennis rackets look really great, but weren't very practical to keep around... until now! We love this simple DIY project that will have you upcycling your surplus of vintage tennis rackets into super cute mirrors in no time. (Link | Photo)

Button lamp shade

Button lamp shade
Lamp too plain? Lots of unused buttons? Then get started with this cool button lamp shade. ()

Sweet Tooth Pouch

Sweet Tooth Pouch
(Idea by Vanessa of Pumpkin Patterns) This little project was inspired by her son who asks for candy from the brightly colored packages at the checkout.

For instructions, click here
(Link | Photo)

Key pendant

Key pendant
(Idea by Betsy of My Salvaged Treasures) This is just one among Betsy's hundreds of ideas when it comes to recycling vintage stuff. For more of her artwork, visit her blog. (Link)

Book keepsake box

Book keepsake box
Transform an old book into a pretty box for trinkets and other small items with this easy-to-make project. Apply craft glue to the inside back cover and close the book; let it dry. Apply glue to the book's edges; let it dry. Mark a rectangle on the first page about 1-inch from all sides. Use a craft knife to cut along the mark through several pages. Remove the cut pages; continue cutting and removing pages until you've reached the desired depth. Seal the cut pages with clear glue to finish the keepsake box. (Link | Photo)

Trash can turned table

Trash can turned table
You know that old saying, one man's trash is another man's treasure? This upcycle takes it quite literally. Hold onto your hats, this is literally the most stylish trash can you've ever seen. That's right, an old metal trash can takes a new turn as a savvy side table. To make: Spray paint a metal trash can, flip it over and, voila, instant side table! (Link | Photo)

Tennis racket earring holder

Tennis racket earring holder
This vintage tennis racket brings a hint of Wimbledon to your closet. Keep your earrings at the ready with this clever tennis racket upcycle. (Link | Photo)

Tennis ball helper

Tennis ball helper
It's always good to have a little help around the house. That's why we love this handy tennis ball helper. Use him to hold your keys, mail, pen, or anywhere you need an extra hand, er, mouth.

To make: Cut a slit in a tennis ball using a box cutter or sharp knife. Add rivets or google eyes. Hang him on the wall by a nail or suction cup in the back of his "head." (Link | Photo)

Old piano turned into outdoor fountain

Old piano turned into outdoor fountain
(Idea by Bill Metzgar) This piano is an 1885 Steinway. It had really bad termite damage to the inner structure so yes, it was beyond repair. It was turned into a fountain for Bill's mom for Mother's Day. It has a 2000 gallon per hour pump in the pond and a flex hose from the pump up into the piano where a construction of pvc pipes was used to distribute the water across the keys. It was sealed with fiberglass resin. Feel free to send some questions to (Photo)

License plate birdhouse

License plate birdhouse
The early bird may get the worm, but if you change your license plates that bird wins a new house. This calls for a sleep in. (Link | Photo)

Succulent drawer

Succulent drawer
(Idea by Curt and Jessica of Grizzl Bear Modern) This vintage hardwood dresser was abandoned in the garage and then converted into this cool piece of art. For more details, click here. (Link | Photo)

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