mercredi 16 octobre 2013

Signs for the Homeless - Lovely!

Signs for the Homeless

Signs for the homesless is a Boston-based initiative that takes the time to sit with various homeless people and hear their story. Their stories are later shared on their site and hopefully viewed by those who may help.
In addition, the initiative makes a 'donation' in exchange for the homeless person's old, dirty cardboard signs and replaces them with snappy, clear and hand painted signs with the same text. This is one way to get the homeless noticed, in real life and online, and we hope their work bears some fruit. 
signs for the homeless
signs for the homeless
signs for the homeless
signs for the homeless
signs for the homeless
signs for the homeless
signs for the homeless
signs for the homeless
signs for the homeless
signs for the homeless
signs for the homeless
signs for the homeless

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