14 Ongoing Space Missions You Didn't Know About
14 Ongoing Space Missions You Didn't Know About
The farthest a human has ever travelled away from our planet is the moon, and the last time that happened was on December 17th,
1972. While we still have people orbiting the Earth in the
International Space Station (ISS), humans have not ventured further in
decades. The reasons are many, from costs to the logistics of sending a
human being to outer space, which has led scientists and astronomers to
find an alternative solutions – unmanned space missions. Many of you
will have heard of the European Space Agency’s (ESA) Rosetta mission, in which they landed an unmanned spaceship on an asteroid for the first time in history. Then there's the ongoing New Horizons
mission, where NASA’s unmanned spaceship flew close to the dwarf planet
Pluto, and its moon Charon, taking the first proper color photos of the
frozen planetoid. And of course, everyone knows of the Mars rovers – Opportunity and Curiosity,
the latter still roams the red planet, providing us with invaluable
information. Did you know, however, that there are several other
exciting space missions that are under way right now?
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