jeudi 18 septembre 2014

20 Tips to Make Parenting that Much Easier...

20 Tips to Make Parenting that Much Easier...

There is no doubt - there is no harder work than raising children and looking after their welfare and enjoyment. I could easily filld 20 books with parenting tips and wouldn't even be close to scratching the surface of the wisdom that has been collected by countless parents from their experiences in child rearing. Here are 20 tips I hope will make your day as a parent just a little bit easier...
Teach your kid to pick up a juice box by its side flaps, this will prevent juice from finding its way from the box and onto your carpet and floors.
parenting tips

Don't throw away your old cellphones, give it to your kids to play with as cameras. Who knows, one of them may grow up to be the next big thing in photography, and it's all thanks to you.
parenting tips

Punish both kids when they are fighting. They should know it's not about fault, it's about fighting being the very last solution to a problem.
parenting tips

Buy a 'baby shower cap' - those are great and pretty cheap. 
parenting tips

Put sprinkles on everything. This will make them happy to drink/eat healthy things while you avoid the screaming, crying and mad anger you have to usually get through to get them to eat or drink it. 
parenting tips

Buy at least one pair of cargo pants - Let's face it, you abandoned many of the principles of fashion when you had kids, so you might as well wear something that'll make sure you always have everything handy - wipes, diapers, bottles, plastic bags and toys.  
parenting tips

Need somewhere snug to put your child? Tie a blanket around a table and make a makeshift hammock.
parenting tips

Keep track of the size of your kids' feet. That way you can avoid the dreadful shoe shopping incident and just go out and buy them a new pair. 
parenting tips

If you want to stop their night-time coughing - try rubbing vapor rub on their feet, and then put socks over them. 
parenting tips

Are your kids afraid of monsters?
Make a special anti-monster spray for them to feel safe. 
parenting tips

Pool noodles can be a great aid in baby or toddler proofing your house. Just cut it up like so and put it on your door as a child-proof door stopper or round out sharp corners. 
parenting tips

Is your child waiting for the tooth fairy to come and give him a gift? Make sure it's impressive with a little glue and glitter. Of course, try to do that with a small bill. 
parenting tips

Have your children do their homework while balanced on a stability ball. This will actually make them concentrate better on the task at hand without getting bored and miserable.
parenting tips

If your baby has sore, teething gums, freeze their pacifier using as ice cube tray, and fill it with water, juice, formula or milk to sooth their aching gums. 
parenting tips

Convert your old DVD boxes into travelling art kits for your kids to play with in the car. 
parenting tips

If your child has a hard time falling asleep without you being there, a good idea is to fill a glove with beans or pearled barley, use it to award the child a few pats, and then quietly leave the room leaving the glove on them. 
parenting tips

Are the kids having trouble reaching the faucet? Take an old lotion bottle and extend the reach of your faucet. 
parenting tips

If you don't want to stand behind your kid all day pushing, use a rope to keep them swinging while you sit comfortably.
parenting tips

Put temporary tattoos on your kids in case they get lost.
parenting tips

Use a shoe caddy to store games and snacks on a long road trip.
parenting tips

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