lundi 15 septembre 2014

11 Establishments With Incredible Interior Design

11 Establishments With Incredible Interior Design

Whether you are going out for drinks or a hearty meal, one of the reasons we leave the comfort of our home to dine outside is the element of atmosphere. A good atmosphere, created by the design, the behavior of the staff and the courses themselves, adds to our feeling of satisfaction at having selected a place that compliments the meal. A great interior design, therefore, can do much for a restaurant's reputation and the amount of enjoyment people get from eating there.

Here are 11 restaurants that have nothing to be ashamed of when it comes to interior design...

H.R. Giger Museum Bar,Gruyères, Switzerland
beautiful restaurants and bars

beautiful restaurants and bars

beautiful restaurants and bars

The Nomad Bar, New York, USA 
beautiful restaurants and bars

beautiful restaurants and bars

beautiful restaurants and bars

Cafe Ki, Tokyo – Japan 
beautiful restaurants and bars

beautiful restaurants and bars

Ozone Bar, Hong Kong, China 
beautiful restaurants and bars

beautiful restaurants and bars

beautiful restaurants and bars

Blue Frog Lounge, Mumbai, India 
beautiful restaurants and bars

beautiful restaurants and bars

Truth Cafe, Cape Town, South Africa 
beautiful restaurants and bars

beautiful restaurants and bars

beautiful restaurants and bars

Bangalore Express Restaurant, London, Great Britain 
beautiful restaurants and bars

beautiful restaurants and bars

Le Pain Frances Restaurant, Gothenburg, Sweden 
beautiful restaurants and bars

beautiful restaurants and bars

Joben Bistro, Cluj-Napoca, Romania 
beautiful restaurants and bars

beautiful restaurants and bars

beautiful restaurants and bars

The Jane Restaurant In A Renovated Church, Antwerp, Belgium 
beautiful restaurants and bars

beautiful restaurants and bars

beautiful restaurants and bars

The Design Bar, Stockholm, Sweden 
beautiful restaurants and bars

beautiful restaurants and bars

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