mercredi 6 mars 2013

Real Ghost Pictures

The Brown Lady

The Brown Lady
Probably the most famous and most authentic of all ghost pictures, the Brown Lady would be Lady Dorothy Townsend, living in Norfolk, England in the early 1700's. It was taken in 1936, during a photo shoot for Country Life Magazine at Raynham Hall in Norfolk, England by Captain Provand and Indre Shira. The photographer saw her coming down the stairs, and began yelling to Shira, who could not see anything, and thought he was delusional. She is known as The Brown Lady due to reports of the spirit being seen wearing a brown brocade dress.

Bachelor Grove Woman

Bachelor Grove Woman
This photo was taken during an investigation of Bachelor's Grove cemetery near Chicago by the Ghost Research Society (GRS), on august 10, 1991, using black and white photos with a high-speed infrared camera in an area where the group had experienced some anomalies with their ghost-hunting equipment. When developed, this image emerged: a young woman dressed in white sitting on a tombstone. She was not visible to anyone who was present and in fact, the image appeared in a much larger, almost panoramic view of the cemetery. The portion of the photo where the woman appears was enlarged when investigators noticed there was something out of the ordinary about it. The photograph appeared in both the Chicago Sun-Times and the National Examiner.

Freddy Jackson

Freddy Jackson Taken in 1919, this picture is a group portrait of Sir Victor Goddard's squadron. In the back of Goddard, positioned on the top row, fourth from the left, can be seen the face of another man (shown in the zoom circle). It could be the face of Freddy Jackson, an air mechanic who had been accidentally killed by an airplane propeller two days earlier. This photograph was taken the day of his funeral, and members of the squadron easily recognized his face

Tulip Staircase Ghost

Tulip Staircase Ghost 
 This picture was taken by Ralph Hardy, in 1966, a Canadian tourist who intended to photograph the "Tulip Staircase" in the Queen's House section of the National Maritime Museum in Greenwich, England. Upon development, however, the photo revealed the ghostly figure climbing the stairs, holding the railing with both hands. Many experts, including some from Kodak, could not find any evidence of tampering. Other figures have been seen on occasion in the vicinity of the staircase, and unexplained footsteps have also been heard

Ghost in the Choir Loft

Ghost in the Choir Loft 
In 1982, photographer Chris Brackley took a photograph of St. Botolph's Church in London. You can see the transparent form of what looks like a woman in the upper right-hand corner of his photograph. According to Brackley, to his knowledge there were only three people in the church at the time the photo was taken, and none of them were in that loft.

The Golden Lady

The Golden Lady
A series of photos taken of an abandoned house in America. Nothing was seen when the photos were being taken. The grey image is an analysis done by a computer. More information can be found in the video Ghosts caught on tape.

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